Purple-crowned Plovercrest

The Purple-crowned Plovercrest measures around 8.5 to 9.5 cm (3.3 to 3.7 inches) in length and weighs around 3.7 grams (0.13 oz).

This charismatic medium-sized hummingbird has a short, straight bill and an iridescent green body. Males have a violet-blue crest and violet chests with light gray flanks. There's less of a crest on females, no violet belly, and a prominent white spot behind the eye. It looks like Green-crowned Plovercrest, but males have purple (not green) crests and less violet below. Purple-crowned Plovercrests have bigger white tips to their tail feathers than Green-crowned Plovercrests. It lives in the understory of lowland and montane forests, light woodlands, and riparian forests.

They are found in South America, specifically Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil.

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Purple-backed Thornbill


Purple-throated Mountain-gem