Brown Violetear

Common name: Brown Violetear
Scientific name: Colibri delphinae
Clades: Polytminae - Mangoes

The Brown violetear is 11.5 cm long and weights 6.5-7 g.

The Brown Violetear, a relatively large and unremarkably colored hummingbird, is commonly sighted in tropical and subtropical forests. Despite its drab appearance, this species presents interesting behavioral traits that set it apart within its ecological niche.

Both male and female Brown Violetears are characterized by their grayish-brown plumage, adorned with a pale mustache and a dark throat patch. One of their distinguishing features is the raised dark violet ear patches, adding a subtle touch of elegance to their otherwise understated appearance. Additionally, a striking broad blackish subterminal band on the tail and bright rusty edges on the rump feathers contribute to their overall unique look.

The Brown Violetear is known to aggressively defend flower patches against other hummingbird species, showcasing a territorial nature in its foraging habits. While primarily inhabiting foothill regions, these hummingbirds also demonstrate adaptability by venturing into lowland areas. This flexibility in habitat preference adds to the species' resilience and ability to thrive in diverse environments.

They are found in Mountains from Guatemala and Belize S to Colombia, thence S to W Ecuador, E Peru and N Bolivia, and E to Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana and NC Brazil (Roraima); E Brazil (Serra do Sincorá, in Bahia).

taken in Costa Rica

taken in Colombia

taken in Peru


Bronzy Inca

