Buffy Helmetcrest

Common name: Buffy Helmetcrest
Scientific name: Oxypogon stuebelii
Clades: Lesbiini - Coquettes

The Buffy Helmetcrest is 11.2 to 12.7 cm (4.4 to 5.0 in) long.

Buffy Helmetcrests are large, short-billed hummingbirds that live at extremely high altitudes in Colombia's central Andes. His shaggy crest, black and buff head pattern, and green and blue beard help him easily be recognized within his tiny range. Although females and young males lack the crest and beard, they are still recognizable by their large size and tiny bill. It is often seen feeding on or perching on Espeletia plants. In the high Andean grasslands, Espeletia, or Frailejón, grows with small yellow flowers and a trunk-like stem. It has large, elongated leaves and large, erect leaves.

Endemic to Central Colombia (Nevado del Ruiz, on Tolima–Caldas border).


Buff-tailed Coronet

