Golden-bellied Starfrontlet

Common name: Golden-bellied Starfrontlet
Scientific name: Coeligena bonapartei
Clades: Heliantheini - Brilliants

The Golden-bellied Starfrontlet is about 10.9 to 11.4 cm (4.3 to 4.5 in) long, including its 3.0 to 3.3 cm (1.2 to 1.3 in) bill. The males weigh an average of 6.6 g (0.23 oz) and the females 6.4 g (0.23 oz).

Golden-bellied Starfrontlets have long straight black bills and medium size. Glittering green frontlets, golden orange rumps, and glittering gold lower underparts are common characteristics of males. Females have shiny green rumps that turn golden orange and cinnamon below. This species is found at medium to high elevations (2,150–3,000 m) in the Andes of eastern Colombia. In humid forests, the Golden-bellied Starfrontlet feeds on nectar from tubular flowers on medium to tall shrubs. Hovering for insects is also part of their job.

Endemic to Colombia and is restricted to the eastern Andes in Colombia.


Glowing Puffleg


Golden-crowned Emerald