Gould's Jewelfront

Common name: Gould's Jewelfront
Scientific name: Heliodoxa aurescens
Clades: Heliantheini - Brilliants

The Gould's Jewelfront range from 11 to 12 cm, with an average weight of about 6.2g.

Gould's Jewelfront is widespread across western and central Amazonia, from Colombia south to Bolivia and east to southern Venezuela and central Brazil. This distribution is unusual since this Amazonian hummingbird's closest relatives are Andean Brilliants. These chunky hummingbirds have a stout bill. It has a shimmering green body with a large orange breast patch and a purple forehead. Males have black chins; females have short, whitish mustache stripes instead. Often prefers light gaps such as around tree falls and forest streams, but avoids second growth and forest edges in humid evergreen forests.


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