Gray-breasted Sabrewing

Common name: Gray-breasted Sabrewing
Scientific name: Campylopterus largipennis
Clades: Trochilini - Emeralds

The Gray-breasted Sabrewing is a large hummingbird, 12.4 to 14.9 cm (4.9 to 5.9 in) long. Usually weighs 9 to 10 g (0.32 to 0.35 oz).

Known as one of the largest hummingbirds in the Amazon, the Gray-breasted Sabrewing has a dull appearance. The tail feathers of both sexes have broad white tips and a white spot behind the eye. Their habitat is humid forests, especially near streams and openings. In addition to flower foraging in the lower and middle forest levels, Gray-breasted Sabrewings also visit feeders. It's quite common to see them on open perches along forest borders, which they leave to chase other hummingbirds. After landing, they keep their wings up for a few seconds.

2 subspecies:

  1. C. l. largipennis
    Distribution E Venezuela, the Guianas and NW Brazil (W to R Negro).

  2. C. l. obscurus
    Distribution eastern Colombia south to northern Bolivia and east, mostly south of the Amazon, to eastern Amazonian Brazil (eastern Pará and Maranhão).


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