Lazuline Sabrewing

Common name: Lazuline Sabrewing
Scientific name: Campylopterus falcatus
Clades: Trochilini - Emeralds

The Lazuline Sabrewing is about 11.5 to 13 cm (4.5 to 5.1 in) long and weighs 6.4 to 8 g (0.23 to 0.28 oz).

Lazuline Sarewings are large and distinctive hummingbirds. Males have blue underparts with maroon tails. These species have downcurved bills. When viewed quickly, it might appear to be a violetear or Green-backed Hillstar, but its tail color and entirely blue underparts distinguish it. A maroon tail adorns the females; the belly is grayer with a grayish mustache stripe. A frequent visitor to feeders, but can also be found in forests and along edges.

Distribution Mountains of NC & W Venezuela, Sierra de Perijá, Santa Marta Mts and E Andes of Colombia, S on E slope to NE Ecuador (Napo).


Koepcke's Hermit


Lesser Violetear