
Common name: Many-spotted Hummingbird
Scientific name: Taphrospilus hypostictus
Clades: Trochilini - Emeralds

The Many-spotted Hummingbird is 10.5 to 11.4 cm (4.1 to 4.5 in) long and weighs 6.7 to 9 g (0.24 to 0.32 oz).

In the Andean foothills, Many-spotted Hummingbirds most commonly live in forests along the perimeter and in the interior of forests. In clearings or over streams, they forage for nectar or hawk insects for food. Males and females are similar in appearance. There is a white spot behind the eye, and the underparts are boldly spotted with green.

Distribution E slope of Andes from Ecuador (S from Napo) to E Peru and C Bolivia; also recorded in Caquetá, Colombia. Erroneously reported to occur in SW Brazil (W Mato Grosso) and NW Argentina.


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