Santa Marta Woodstar

Common name: Santa Marta Woodstar
Scientific name: Chaetocercus astreans
Clades: Mellisugini - Bees

The Santa Marta woodstar is about 7 cm (2.8 in) long.

Santa Marta Woodstars are tiny bumblebee-like hummingbirds that live in Colombia's Santa Marta Mountains. This species is usually found in cloud forests at moderate elevations but sometimes wanders down as low as sea level. There are white spots on the rump, which are typical of woodstars. Magenta throat patches and spiky tails are characteristics of the adult male. Black masks and tawny bellies characterize the female. The throats of young males are blotchy, similar to those of females. The bird is often seen resting at the top of tall trees on bare branches. Though they rarely visit the feeders at El Dorado Nature Reserve, they are regularly spotted around the reserve.

Endemic to Colombia and is restricted to the Santa Marta Mountains.


Santa Marta Blossomcrown


Sapphire-spangled Emerald