
Common name: Striped-tailed Hummingbird
Scientific name: Eupherusa eximia
Clades: Trochilini - Emeralds

The stripe-tailed hummingbird is 8 to 10 cm (3.1 to 3.9 in) long and weighs an average of 4.27 g (0.15 oz).

The Stripe-tailed Hummingbird is a remarkable avian species found in the cool, wet forests of its habitat. Its most striking feature is the rufous wing patch, which sets it apart from other hummingbirds. This small bird primarily resides in the canopy of the forest, where it spends the majority of its time.

Despite their preference for the forest interior, these hummingbirds are known to venture to lower levels of the forest, with females occasionally spotted in heavily shaded parts of the understory. The males, on the other hand, display aggressive behavior, often defending flowers within their territory. It is not uncommon to witness males fanning out their distinctively striped tails while vocalizing.

The unique characteristics and behaviors of the Stripe-tailed Hummingbird make it an intriguing subject for bird enthusiasts and researchers alike.

3 subspecies:

  1. E. e. nelsoni
    Distribution E Mexico (SW Veracruz, N Oaxaca).

  2. E. e. eximia
    Distribution extreme E Mexico (Chiapas) S through highlands to C Nicaragua.

  3. E. e. egregia
    Distribution highlands of Costa Rica and W Panama.


Stripe-throated Hermit

